You are Sue Ellen Ewing! Always the center of attention, you are constantly setting new standards for others. Despite your occassional boozing and infidelity, you remain a pillar of the community, and queen of the social scene. Bitch.
Well, are yeah surprized at all? I mean really. You wanta find out who you are?
My Result?
I am J.R., does this mean I get to sleep with you and then cheat on you?
ReplyDeleteI dont even have to take this - I see the bottles next to my trash - Im sue ellen with the double handed drink clutching.
ReplyDeleteI am Pamela Barnes Ewing. Not that I have any idea who that is because I never watched Dallas. But I guess it's good! :)
ReplyDeleteI am shocked and without words.
ReplyDeleteI however am Pamela Barnes Ewing! Simply put, I am all around wholesome. Despite my lack of resources growing up, and the little encouragement that I ever received, I still persist, and manage to come out on top. However, that's not to assume that it doesn't ever hurt.
OH NO, Miss Ellie????? fc