Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Monday, October 29, 2012
Nazi Rant of the Day
As you may know I have become completely obsessed with Nazis
lately. Okay, gay Nazis. Well, Nazis that may or may not be gay and the
theories of social ethnic cleansing of a
people… and the men who loved them.
Now we know that ethnic cleansing is the widely accepted
scholarly term used to describe the systematic and violent removal of undesired
ethnic groups from a given group or society. And that the Nazis used massive
ass hat social policies that was based on the improvement of their made up “Aryan
race” through targeting groups who were deemed “unworthy of life, including
The funny thing, and by “funny” I mean unimaginable, is that
gays were the first group to have their rights removed, yet historians seem
reluctant to approach the subject and quickly turn to the fate of other
minorities in Nazi Germany at the time. Homosexuals were subjected to the first
wave of cleansing of Germany, yet you will find very little about this in
history books.
What I have found a lot of lately is the massive amount of
Allied propaganda that still survives today. This misinformation was based
around the fact that the Hitler himself was a huge moe. This propaganda was used
in a schoolyard bully way to motivate the U.S. forces in demonizing
Hitler. Which, they didn’t need to
do as he was pretty much making his own case of being a horrible monster. This
propaganda did; however, begat the “homosexuals are Nazis” and was pretty much
the foundation for the books like The Pink Swastika, which right-wing AM radio nut job ass hats use to
spread their personal vendetta and hate against Gays and Lesbians.
Even though Homosexuals were the first group to be hauled
off and gassed, not to mention the thousands who were mutilated or dissected in
so-called medical experiments by Nazi doctors, who insisted that homosexuality
was a disease that could be “cured.” My thought is, if the Nazi Doctors,
with out any medical board regulations could not cure homosexuality… well I
guess it can’t be cured. And why is it that if gays were the first to die in
horrible ways, and used in massive slur campaigns why is it still being then
turned around and used to demonize homosexuals. Why don’t historians speak of
the sacrifice?
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Panda Express
I spent the entire day yesterday writing my term paper. I
have entitled it my Mos and po-po paper. Not realizing that I had wasted an
entire day sitting at the dinning room table with nothing but the dog staring
up at me, around seven p.m. my stomach decided it was time for me to stop
clicking away on the keyboard and throw some food in it.
Without considering the social norms of good grooming, I
grabbed the Shar-pei and headed out onto the streets for nourishment. I have a level of guilt for patronizing
the new Panda Express fast food chain that has opened up recently. I have
always dined at the locally owned and operated Chinese take-away, but after a
day of writing in my sweat pants, I feared that Mr. Wok would assume that the
zombie apocalypse had begun, and this particular zombie had a taste for Asian
brains, and I would be shot in the head. One should not fear being mistaken for
a zombie and shot just because one desires chinese food, but one should also
take a shower and remove ten hour old Pop-Tart crumbs from one’s beard before
heading out into public. So I went to Panda Express. They don’t judge.

I then grabbed my to-go bag and retreated out of the
restaurant like a defeated Mongol warrior, yet giggling like a Japanese
Eating Out,
Steve faux pas
Monday, October 22, 2012
Lawrence S. Kubie can Burn in Hell
I have to read several books in a very short amount of time.Over the weekend, after being disappointed that our local independent GLBTbookstore, The Tattered Cover, was wholly lacking any books on Gay Americansserving in the military, I found what I needed at the local library.
I grasped my stack of books centered on “Don’t Ask; Don’tTell” and headed for a nice quiet place to read. My gym. Attempting to read thestruggle of Dan Choi, while on a treadmill was problematic at first. Eventually I got into a rhythm and was able to knock out a lot of research. I did notice as I read about the military’s hypocritical and deviant policies towards Gayand Lesbian service members I started to run faster. Soon I was pounding awayon the treadmill belt. During a particular chapter explaining that during WWIIthe US Government had an ad campaign to advertise draft dodgers as weak,less-than-real-men homosexuals, that any man not wanting to serve wasn’t a“real man” and should be mocked. I realized that a part of our societies viewon homosexuals is based on the governments need to recruit soldiers.
Around this realization, I was bucked off my treadmill.
Thankfully the gym was close to empty, so no one noticed. No one noticed me falling from my treadmill and shaking my Tim Gunn fist at the ceiling declaring, “Damn you, Lawrence S. Kubie, M.D. Damn you for characterizingmen who don’t have blood lust and swishy sissies!”
I might be studying too hard.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Nerd Sexuality
Leave it to a nerd with a They Might be Giants poster on his wall to simply explain human sexuality...
Monday, October 15, 2012
When Sailors Kiss (NSFW)
Sundays are my homework days. I head to my favorite coffee
shop, spread out my books and attempt to write my latest class required essay.
For my modern history class I’m writing a paper on homosexual soldiers during
World War II. Sunday I started researching my topic.
As I sat amongst my fellow
students, we crowed near the coveted available power outlets to plug in the sea
of laptops. I soon blocked out my surroundings and searched through a massive
amount of online research databases. After finding an amazing article about
wartime homosexuality, I dove into the topic. Soon I heard, “Guuuurl! What you
reading?!” It was the front desk gay from my gym. He smiled, and asked again. I
quickly explained my research into the military’s screening of inductees during
the 1940’s and society’s viewpoints during wartime. I received a slow nod as he wished me fun with that.
![]() |
Anonymous photographer, Untitled
image of two uniformed sailors kissing*
Ten minutes passed before I moved from one column to the
other side of the page. That is when I noticed the photo the author was
Well… I guess I found my visual aide for my class
presentation. I will apologize for not blurring the naughty bits, but being unable
to find this photo anywhere on the web, I did not want to alter it. I find it incredibility important to preserve it in its original state. I find it romantic
and valuable in the topic that is so easily forgotten. That during military service,
soldiers fall in love.
*I claim no rights or ownership to this photo. Original photo
found: Lee, E. "When
Sailors Kiss: Picturing Homosexuality In Post-World War II America."
Journal Of American Culture 32.4 (2009): 318-331. and The Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction, Bloomington, IN, KI-DC: 44270.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Sigma Alpha Pie
Based mostly on my academic
accomplishment and leadership potential, I have been asked to join an exclusive
National Society of leadership and success, Sigma Alpha Pi. Based on my totally
awesomeness, or as the form letter states, their decision to ask me to join the
hallowed ranks of Sigma Alpha Pi was partially based upon my “academic
accomplishment and leadership potential.” Whatever the hell that means. I’m
sure it just got around campus that I’m just an all around righteous dude. The
sportos and motor heads, geeks, sluts, bloods, wastoids, dweebies, dickheads…
they all adore me. They think I’m a righteous dude.
Maybe I’ll act like any college
student and blow that money on fast food.
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