Monday, February 14, 2022

Yesssss God Boots the House Down, Mmmmmkay

 I have the Spring vacation all planned. I actually did it right before Christmas to surprise Le Boyfriend as one of his Christmas presents. Dragcon 2022 in May. The premier RuPaul’s Dragrace annual convention. A full dragqueen gathering event. I am so super excited to go to L.A. for our trip, finally after two years of hunkering down for the pandemic. I haven't air-traveled since the pando began, and my Southwest air miles were burning a hole through my wallet, begging to be used. I cashed in a bunch of miles that had been self-isolating deep inside my Southwest Airlines credit card. Finally, they are free. Depending of course on any new zombie apocalypse that may begin before May. 

There are very few conventions I attend. The scattered Dr. Who convention, Comic-Cons, ya’know nerd stuff. For the record, I am skipping this year's Dr. Who con in L.A. happening this weekend really based upon safe data from a month ago. But, meh. There’s always 2023. But, I figure May should be safe. That and the L.A. Convention Center has much more free space to distance than the L.A. Mariot Hotel filled with sci-fi nerds.  

Hotel and cars are sorted West Hollywood, you’ve got a big storm coming.

Death Drop