Wednesday, July 8, 2009


I can’t remember if I’ve told you this one, so stop me if you’ve heard this one before.

Standing in Frank’s kitchen I got a call on my fancy new cell phone. It’s my Mom, the first thing she says is:

“Honey, do you like poppers?”

At this point your worlds collide, You start to think, did my Mom just ask me If I like Poppers? Is she pulling a Jeffrey on me?

“Uh, What?”
“Well when you come over I’ve got some new poppers in the fridge.”

Okay, so that’s where I keep my bottle of poppers so this just added to the little hamster that usually saunters like RuPaul on the wheel that is my brain to get thrown off on to the Saxony plush.

“Uh, What?”
“Well, they're cheddar or cream cheese. I know how much like cheesy poppers so I bought you some.”

Ah, my world isn’t colliding in on its self. It was just Cheesy Jalapeño Poppers. My VCR can’t get clean with cheese; but, my belly will get happy.


  1. I like the new header buddy...Hella Cool!

  2. MMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm poppers...

  3. I agree with Damien.... mmmmmmmm poppers (either kind)

  4. Hang on, apart from the cheesy kind, what other sort is there? And what's with keeping your ear medicine in the fridge?

    I'm so confused!

  5. It's been SO long since I've done poppers! I can't believe it was before BOTH gay cruises we took too! WOW! that's funny! I thought at first the picture was of your moms freezer! haha!

  6. And in case anyone missed it.......

    Mmmmmmmmmm............ poopers..... :)

  7. btw - Kelly - when you gonna follow my site :) ?


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