Thursday, October 13, 2011

Freezin' Steven

It was that time of year again. It seems that it comes faster every year.

The time, once a year, when I winterize the house. Not the whole weather strip, drain garden hoses, and other manly pursuits of home maintenance. More like pulling the light comforter off the bed and bringing out the heavy down comforter from its Space Bag induced summer casket.

See?  Doesn’t this guy look freezing?
He needs a down comforter.

Pulling out the heavy blankets means that I can finally crank open the bedroom window and slide under my over-sized down comfiness. I also did my annual trip to buy new pillows and new sheets to add to the comfort level.

Part of this tradition is wrapping the bedroom’s air vent in foil; this is to block the furnace from blasting heat into the bedroom. Making the bedroom as I sleep also suitable for preserving meat. I wonder if there’s a correlation?

This morning was the first, really chilled morning. The dog had reenacted his time in a German POW camp and tunneled his way down into the sub-layer of warmth. The Dupioni wafted as it half heartily covered the frost covered window.

It was freezing.

During my thought process of how amazing sleeping in a cold room is, I always forget how frickin’ horrible it is to get out of bed and traverse the ten feet to the bathroom.


  1. Is this "winterizing" mutual or unilateral? I only ask because Luis keeps winter mode year round. It could be July with outside temps dipping into the low 90's at night and I'll still wake up shivering. It doesn't help that my side of the bed is the exact spot where the 67º air blowing down from the ceiling vent meets the crosswind from the bedside oscillating fan.

    I'd put my foot down and demand a less arctic bedroom climate if I knew where my nads went off to. I think they moved to Cozumel.

  2. Because of my glorious loft living, I no longer have a true bedroom window. And the temperature remains constant due to the size of the building. :-/

  3. My favorite part is laying my head on a cool/cold pillow. My least favorite part is also the morning frigid frolic to the bathroom...brrrrrr!

  4. I don't like a cold bedroom... probably because I don't have someone to snuggle with all night. My body temp changes during the night too... I hate waking up with cold toes.

  5. We were a beautiful 70degF here yesterday :)

  6. How people can sleep with the thermostat set to "Tropical," I'll never know.

  7. I LOVE LOVE LOVE sleeping in a cool/cold room... have to have fan going and feel chilly... as someone else said before...I love the feel of a cold pillow... and thus, this is why my cuddle time is limited to a few minutes, then I am way too hot... but I keep my sweatpants and t-shirt next to the bed so first thing in morning I put them on, so not to freeze on the way to the coffee maker...

  8. This is why we spent bucks on the ultimate programmable thermostat that keeps it above 55 at night - then 15 minutes before we get out of bed it comes on and warms it all up to a toasty 70... LOVE IT! cn

  9. Waking up cold = Bad mood for BosGuy and everyone around him.

  10. The Husbear and I keep the bedroom at sub-tropical temperatures all year round, mostly because he's a nuclear furnace. I've gotten used to it. And it's about the ONLY time I can stand to be in the cold. Mostly because I have a huge, heavy comforter to snuggle under and stay warm.

  11. Meant to say this beforehand, but I have some suggestions on ways to warm you up in the morning. They are a bit explicit so I'll refrain from describing them in detail, but feel free to hit me up and I'll draw you a picture or two ;-o



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