There’s a herd, or bunch, or gaggle, or a murder of them. A murder of drag queens. Nowhere else can you get a BLT salad and find glitter in it. When I order there’s three of them on the line giving me the “Care Bear Stare.” Rainbows shooting from what’s left of their eyebrows.

As much as I love drag chrysalis, little pupae in Scissor Sister T-shirts ready to come forth. This means I have to turn off the IPod and go inside, and during lunch I’m usually listening to pod casts like The Feast of Fools or Geeky NPR news. And ya’know I’m fine just waiting in the drive through. Unless you count the other day when The Feast of Fools was talking about anal health and I had the top down on the Jeep.
flock of queens ?
ReplyDeleteAnal health is the best topic ever!
I hate when there's glitter int he onrion rings though I end up crushing them when I'm trying to get the clitter to stick to the end of my finger and get it out of the box! Such a pain!
I think there is probably some kind of cosmic force in charge of the fact the podcast you were listening to was about anal health while you were waiting in line at the Wendy's drive through. Think about it. Draw your own conclusions.