Monday, September 8, 2008


How was your weekend? One of Fuzzy’s friends had a birthday weekend thingy that was pretty cool. A lot of Wrangler beer drinking.
On Saturday I went to lift over at the 24fitness on Alameda which of course is where ya go if you’re gay and have an IPhone. And apparently an Atlantis gym bag. As I walk into the locker room with my 08 Atlantis gym bag, you know the one. They’re $1900 bucks but you get a free Big Gay Cruise with every purchase. I tossed the bag down I realized that I dropped next to another bear, with the same bag and on his IPhone. We squealed like sorority sisters. Well, not really being big muscelie bears we mostly grunted and growled GRRRRRRR gay cruise, GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR white party, GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR free gym bag. Then we squealed and jumped up and down like Legally Blond. While giggling about how incredibly cool we are with our IPhones, and fur. I don’t remember if I worked out but the locker room was rather collegiate.


  1. What??? No pics of the gym bag? I feel ripped off!

    ps: I Like the new profile pic.

  2. I wish I'd been there to witness it, all that woofing and squealing, muscle flexing and air kisses, hopefully while at least one of you was shirtless. Your very action has made bears the world over proud (and probably a little bit aroused)!

  3. I must get one of these fantastic bags!

  4. This all happened while the two of you were in jockstraps right? At least in the version in my head it happened that way!


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