Friday, March 11, 2011


This week I’m taking five topics and writing my thoughts. The topics are: 
Dumbest Thing Ever Done
Toughest Choice
Happiest Moment
Crush / Lust
Secret Loves


It was actually more difficult than I thought to write about secret loves in my life. This is because I do a bunch of things that make me happy but are driven by my OCD. Cleaning my car’s windshield twice a day makes me happy but only because if feeds my need to be clean all the time. Checking constantly to ensure that my underwear and jocks are perfectly stacked in my dresser drawer makes me happy and also feeds another need. This forced me to think of what makes me truly happy. Not just satisfies my germaphobe tendencies. So I started to list what makes me happy and yet what I haven’t rambled on about in my blog for years. 

And here they are:

On Sundays I have coffee with friends, go for a long run, and treat myself to Japanese food. But it’s the long drive home back to the ranch I love. I crank up the tunes on the highway and just drive completely contented.

Using the phrase “Fucking Faggot” during sex. A lot.

Doing push-ups and jumping from narrow to wide stance.

English muffins.

Working “intellectual gravitas” into a conversation. This never happens, but I’m ready.

I really love staying in hotels. When a work trip gets mentioned I’m the first to jump on it. In the past I’ve even checked into hotels just to lounge around in the complementary robe.

Jack in the Box or any type of regional fast food.

Watching amateur sports. As much as I hate the NFL, I do love amateur football. It seems they’re playing for the love of the game.

A well fitting T-shirt.

Taking the plastic wrap off a new Apple product. I just love that.


  1. A fitting end to a great week of blogging. Thanks StevieB!!

  2. I loved participating in this. Thanks StevieB :-)

  3. If I ever hear you call me a fucking faggot,I will purr like a walrus!

  4. You love English muffins??

    It's over.

  5. cb - wouldnt you tho? the only thing that would make it better is he spat on me after he said it :)

    Is that wrong?


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