Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Duly Impressed with other bloggers taking up a writing challenge, I wanted to join in on the fun. See all sixty-four challenges here.  God help me.

Question número 1:
Introduce yourself with a recent picture and 15 interesting facts:

1. The only cake I will eat is chocolate.

2. I am completely phobic of snakes. Even rope that looks like snakes. Even snake-skin boots.

3. Youngest of seven and the third son.

4. Love to go running and will always chose to be either in the gym or in the park at any given moment.

5. Hate roller coasters.

6. Thought the second Darrin was better than the first.

7. Love Sci-Fi and Godzilla. But only the low budget kind of movies, too many computer graphics and I’m done.

8. Cannot watch people die in a movie.

9. I grew up on a Quarter Horse ranch in the middle of nowhere.

10. I stole a The Fall Guy lunch box in fifth grade. I still feel so horrible about this that when I see Lee Majors I start to sweat.

11. Most of my diet is vegetarian yet will never give up meat.

12. I'm quickly going gray.

13. HATE Glee because I know I’d like it way…. to… much.

14. I learned what gay was from Steven Carrington on Dynasty. I knew in a second that Sammy Jo was going to be trouble.

15. I have odd obsessions about cleanliness. My hands sometimes bleed from cleaning my car, bathroom and my hands.


  1. 64 of them? Cripes. Good luck, StevieB!! xxx

  2. Good to know facts about people you know... since I missed the last one.. I thought I would partake in this... cheers Stevie

  3. I'm in.... I'm surprised that we share so many neurosis.

    Good on ya, mate!

  4. The 2nd Darren? You are insane! It was all about Dick York!

    I like a good blog challenge, but even 64 might be too much for me. I don't think I can commit to that, even though I blog daily.


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