Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Resolutions 2012

I am a man of complete and sometimes all consuming ritual. I do seek out change in my world and I am always up for new adventures, yet when it comes to little daily tasks I grumble when my path is changed. Part of my ritual surrounding the New Year is making New Year’s Resolutions. I believe that most people half-heartedly say they make resolutions; however, commitment to these is as solid as my commitment to TCBY. I know it is supposedly better than ice cream, but four bucks a cup?

Here are my blogged resolutions from the last four years:

2008, 2009, 2010, 2011

I like to keep my resolutions attainable. Sure, saying that I’ll drive through Paris in a convertible is easy, yet will it happen in 2012? Most likely, no.

First on my list is to go to a diner named Pete’s Kitchen and have a Breakfast Burrito Supreme. For me, this symbolizes the essence of having a good time, stemming from my teens and twenties when I spent way too much time at this diner. It’s more of a reminder to stop and enjoy my life.

I am aware that making a yearly goal of eating a 1,900 calorie breakfast burrito isn’t the healthiest resolution to make; I also have my abs in mind when I resolve to make my Apollo’s Belt pop. You know, Apollo’s Belt, also known as the “Brad Pitt muscle.” Along with finishing my school year with high grades; I think that my resolve to my resolutions with propel me through 2012.

1 comment:

  1. Didn't know what Apollo's belt was til I clicked the link. Thanks for sharing. Happy to massage your Apollo's belt anytime. You know a massage gives you better circulation.

    I'm a giver like that Stevie.



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