Thursday, March 23, 2023


 I am finding more and more that my life has distinct stages, or eras to be more precise. These stages can easily be demonstrated by Structure. I mean, yes, the structure of my life, but I mean Structure the early 90’s men's clothing store. It was a mall staple and would of been found by the massive Corinthian, or sometimes Doric columns marking the entryway. Also, by the smell of cheap cologne and the blaring sound of C+C Music Factory. It was the height of men's fashion and the only place to buy your masculine 90’s club wear. Eventually, I will go on to date three different men that worked there during their college years.  

During its heyday, I was the target demographic to sell their cheap dress shirts, belts, and high wasted jeans. But, just out of high school, my budget did not agree with my choice to expand my fashion statements. So, Structure remained that fancy men's clothing store with the clothes I could not wear. So, I would cross the Doric columns and get ideas of what was cool, then travel to...Sears maybe... I’m not sure I even remember anymore where I shopped. In retrospect, I should have been one of those gays that worked there to get the discount. And apparently to pick up boyfriends.  

In the present I now have more than enough disposable income to blow at Structure, buying all the paisley double-cuffed fancy shirts I could ever want. I have grown to understand those are fashion choices I do not desire, however. Two reasons; the first is that I do not care if the world judges my fashion. My success as a human does not come from outward appearances. Spending my leisure time in tight tee-shirts and gym shorts, I could not imagine leather-woven belts, vests, and manly berets as a choice. The second reason is Structure sold out eons ago to Express, and those Corinthian columns went the way of the Greek originals.  

But why do I bring this up? Well, I just bought a new car. 

And for the first time in my life, I doubted my need to have the very best. I am not saying a demanded Euro-luxury. I mean how I needed (wanted) all the bells of whistles or be judged for not having all the accessories due to me. Like the self-parking option, which I used possibly four times in four years. Or the navigation which I never used because iPhones are better.     

 I once bought the fancy “off-roady” package of a Jeep Wrangler, making my car payment $750 a month, and it never actually left the pavement. So, I am proud of my new car purchase choice, it has me feeling very grown up. Like I don’t need to buy the over-priced fancy dress shirt just because of the hype of the perception of success. Let’s say very well appointed, and yet I did not let myself get sucked into any hype of

needing every add-on I will never use. How do we measure our success? It is not the clothes we wear or the car we drive.  

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