Thursday, June 26, 2008

Words to many to read.

So as normal I’m at on the phone with Carl cruising through the blogs. “Have you read this blog yet?” “Yep, Try this one yet?” “Funny hu, how about that one? no, cool.” Soon we found ourselves on a blog about pride and started to read. Quietly I heard Carl start to repeat “Words to many to read. Words to many to read. Ahhh pictures.“ Everyone needs a Blog buddy.


  1. I have to confess, if a blog doesn't have pictures, videos, or a cool header, I probably won't read it. Does that make me shallow?

  2. Not at all, I myself have a short atten......Oh look a chicken.

  3. That's why 2/3 of my blog posts are pictures or videos, to keep the hot pervy boys like you guys coming back! ;-)

  4. A blog buddy!!! What a great idea. It never occurred to me. I need to find me one.


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