Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Finally a practical use for the iPhone.

I started using an iPhone app called Lose It. This application tracks the caloric intake per day/week and calculates this against exorcise to find how many calories your burning. You know what? It works.

This handy program works because I’ll see a Moon Pie on the 7-11 and I’ll think “Do I really want to have to enter that into my phone and then post it on my blog?” No. No I don’t, so why eat it.

Here’s last week:

You’ll find my daily intake minus weight lifting and/or running. I have a cap of 2,000 calories a day to stay under.  And yes, I know falling under 1,200 is unhealthy. You might also notice that on Sunday I drove to the park for a run, and then proceeded to texted Dalton to go have breakfast instead. I then proceeded to fill up on pancakes followed with a trip to the GB fish N chips shop. Yummy fish n chips….Aaaaaaaaagh.

With last Sunday notwithstanding, I’m shedding pounds and getting back to my fighting weight. Awesome. I’ll keep you posted on progress. Nothing like having to report your tonnage to the masses to keep you from the Moon Pies and chips.

Oh, and if you're gonna buy a  iPad watch out.


  1. That's a great app. I'll have to see what is similar on the Droid.

  2. I'm downloading "Found it!" right now.

  3. Fudge (but I didn't say 'fudge'). I know this would be helpful, but fuck - do I really want to see my intake/output?

    It would get me to the next level of where I want to be, but and what mental cost?

    I'd be depressed for days!


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